Me and my shadow

Last year it was a hospital the gov. could do no wrong the city was still
THIS YEAR.... the Javitt's had buyers and bugles and bagels
i took a bite of the apple the streets vibrated with energy humans greeted you masks on eyes smiled
artists were giddy money was spent stories were shared hugs
tears shed encouragement given 30 years of memories
a first for the new walk of joy the isles of magic
this is what i truly love.
life directs the path i take i listen i feel the hand in mine
i am beyond happy to hit the streets running singing and jumping i fit there is no doubt the NY lives in my soul
the circus and players are my family of think out of the...clever creatives
Pergolians be prepared to find magic beautiful and bold silly sparkling and subtle raw and refined
we will fill your arms with gifts of delight for you and yours
All for you my lovelies
xo p